Experiential Science Education - Yanayacu, Ecuador 2010

Margo McFaul

Hometown:  Laramie, Wyoming

University/Department:   University of Wyoming:  Art

Why did you decide to go on the Yanayacu Research Trip?  I wanted a new experience.  I knew nothing about ecology and I wanted a new experience.

What was the most important thing you learned?  I didn't realize that their were so many interactions between organisms. 

How has this experience changed you?   I am more confident with myself.  I could do something like this again.  I am interested in taking a biology class to learn more.  I am interested in plants.

What are your plans for the future?  I would like to try and do something with plants.  Travel and finish school.

What advice would you give a young scientist?  Questions Everything.

If you would like to ask Margo a question about science, please email her at:  [email protected]